Olivia Dibert | Olivia Dibert

Offering: Psychic Medium, 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, group program or course, email , text or messenger readings
I’m simply a mom who can connect with spirit and help in matters that need a guiding hand of intuition. My unicorn life comes with a skill set of automatic writing and drawing, profiling, medical intuitive, a teacher for development, as well as customized mentorship. I am a Psychic Medium with a mission of providing self worth and confidence to those who may need it while going through their development. I’m here to help you be a BETTER YOU. if you found this site, then this is for you, there is no such thing as coincidence. I have had the honor to train at Arthur Findlay College, and with Professionals in the field of Psychic Mediumship, Psychic Detective work, Military Style Controlled Remote Viewing & Extended Remote Viewing. I’ve been trained by some of the best in those fields, including: Pam Coronado, Paul Smith, Bill & Sandy Ray, Fernando Marron, Cindy Kaza, Ros Way, Tony Stockwell, Joe Shiel, John Holland, & Mia Ottosson. My passion is working on Missing persons and Cold cases. Bringing comfort to families who have had to deal with loss in any way is my life’s purpose. I’m happy & honored that you would consider trusting me to provide you guidance. My story is not as uncommon as people may think. After admitting to one of my parents that I saw apparitions at the age of 16, I was taken to a psychiatrist. Thank goodness the shrink thought I was mentally balanced (and thank goodness I never said much when I was actually seeing apparitions at the age of 5 or 6). My spiritual life and team shut me down to protect me from the living. Since my fathers death, I experienced my first awakening in my 30’s, its was an awesome journey of self discovery and a closer connection to a higher power. I had a second awakening in my late 40’s after witnessing a horrific fatal car accident where I was the only witness and with the grace of god and my angels, didn’t become a victim. A crazy story for a later time. So I’m here still to spread light and love, in a non woo woo fashion, and give support to those on this journey that can at times be very lonely. I am incredibly blessed that I’ve met some awesome people along the way & will be forever grateful for the hand holding and confidence they had in my abilities. I now am able to share my abilities with you. Under the Reading tab, I offer different skill sets to confirm that you are not alone; whether its to confirm that your loved one is always with you or to confirm that you are right where you’re suppose to be on your spiritual journey. I believe you & I believe in you. Please note: I only draw when I’m pulled to do so. Not all readings will come with a drawing. Sorry, but spirit is in charge, not me. LOL