Business: The Wizard Factory

Offering: Group program or course, Spiritual Consultations & Courses, Runes

Logan Hart is a spiritual student and teacher, philosopher, musician, voice actor, and entrepreneur living near Dallas, TX. Logan is an anarchist, animist, pagan, and light occultist. His spiritual journey has brought him to work and study in the areas of natural law, metaphysics, psychology, healing, shamanism, paganism, and much more.

His mission is to help humanity reclaim our individual & collective sovereignty, and the rejection and dismantlement of all physical, mental, and spiritual systems of slavery. This can only be achieved by gaining a deep understanding of ourselves, True Universal Principles and the Laws of Nature.

Logan is the creator of The Wizard Factory, a spiritual philosophy platform featuring a video podcast & regular video content. To see more of Logan's frequent output, subscribe to The WF Youtube Channel.

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Business: Sawa Sawa Botanica

Offering: Playing Card Readings, Intuitive Reading, Astrological Read, African Traditional Religion, Ancestral Healing. Money Magic. Abundance Activation. Money Blockage Healing.

"Omi Sika, I am. Oladeyende, is my destiny. I am your Guide to Transformation, Wealth, and Healing Welcome to my world of powerful African spirituality and transformative healing. I am Omi Sika Oladeyende, a practitioner of IFA, Haitian Vodou, and Hoodoo. With a focus on money rituals, and healing your relationship with wealth, I bring a unique perspective to the spiritual community. My spiritual name, "Water Spirit Who Brings Back Wealth," reflects the deep connection I have with the flowing energies of water and the abundance it can bring. Through my blend of cartomancy, water divination, bone divination, and intuitive guidance, I provide profound insights into the paths of wealth and prosperity. I am here to guide you through transformative healing journeys, especially when it comes to addressing childhood trauma and energetic blockages. Drawing upon my expertise in chakra healing and energetic healing, I help you discover a renewed sense of wholeness and personal empowerment. I hold deep reverence for IFA, Vodou, and Hoodoo traditions, infusing my practices with the richness of these ancient West African belief systems. From insightful readings through playing cards and cartomancy to guided meditations rooted in African spiritual principles, I channel the wisdom of my ancestral lineage to empower and uplift you. As a valued member of a this collective, I bring a unique perspective to the table, complementing the mainstream offerings. My knowledge and experience in African spirituality ensure a well-rounded and authentic spiritual journey for those seeking my guidance. If you are ready to embark on a journey of transformation, wealth, and a rekindled connection with your inner power, I am here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we will embrace the extraordinary and unlock the profound healing, growth, and prosperity that awaits you."

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Business: Pauly Barker Digital Marketing, LLC

Offering: Energy Healing, Group Program or Course, 1:1 Sessions Virtual or In-person

For the last 5 years, Pauly has led Coaches to multi 5 & 6-figure business growth with Marketing & Messaging development.

But when she couldn’t replicate that for herself with organic marketing for months (and 50k invested in strategy)... she realized that Strategy is only 20% of the puzzle.

The other, mostly untapped, 80%? Intuition.

Your Inner Knowing. Your deep connection with your Higher Self. Is what connects your with aligned clients.

Today, Pauly leads Intuitive Coaches to form a deeper connection with their Higher Self. Making Content Conversions with Aligned Clients flow easily - by Activating their 80%

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Business: Brenda Olson Psychic Medium

Offering: Intuitive Tarot Readings, Channeling Guides, Mediumship, Pendulum Readings, Reiki Sessions

You will receive a warm loving encounter with me and my Light Team, to gain loving intuitive guidance and healing of trauma. I am intuitively guided to provide what is needed for your highest good at this moment. It may include receiving Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) which can be received in person or remotely. It may include information obtained from your Akashic Record, mentoring or personal guidance from my coaching wisdom to guide you to next steps in your life to get you to a place of alignment to your highest and best life path. I also teach and promote the quieting of the mind in order to get in touch with your highest self. Any service can be specifically requested, or we can have a conversation to establish what would serve you best at this time.

Coming from a background of trauma and having a diverse life before my awakening around 2019, I have received healing from my trauma and through in-depth study and personal spiritual experience have been shown by my Light Team that helping others heal their trauma and connecting to their higher self, so that they can live a life aligned to their highest life path, is my life calling. I’m a natural teacher and love using very simple methods of teaching others how to quiet their mind, go within to find the answers held by their own soul, as well as sharing my knowledge and attunements to the modalities I use.

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Business: Your Soul Guide

Offering: Psychic & Mediumship Readings, Somatic Energy Healing, Past Life Regression, Root Cause Therapy (Embodied Processing), Soul Healing Program, Psychic Development, Beginner Tarot Course.

Hello! I’m Em, a heart centred Psychic Medium & Spiritual Mentor based on Gold Coast, Australia.
I truly believe that there is so much healing to be gained from helping you receive messages from your loved ones in spirit. I ensure a safe space to provide you accurate Psychic and Mediumship readings, working for the spirit world to allow your loved ones to connect through me to pass on messages of healing. Supporting you with events in your life right now with guidance, to help you move forward.
I am also passionate about supporting fellow Lightworkers who feel stuck & scared to step into their true potential. My only intention is to support you and provide the space to clear your limiting beliefs, past trauma and stuck emotions which are holding you back from being your true authentic self, helping you to bring closure where needed and release what is no longer serving you, so that you embrace your true potential but with my Soul Healing Program.
Whether you are seeking spirit guidance, healing, or need the support of a Mentor I would love to join you on your journey.

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Business: The Florida Medium

Offering: Coaching, Mediumship Readings, Tarot

My name is Alyssa and I am a medium based in Gainesville, Florida. I have been a conduit for Spirit since childhood, providing a space for others to connect with their departed loves ones. My background as an educator has taught me how creating a safe and open environment is essential for any good connection to take place. I understand the need for trust and assurance when it comes to exploring the unknown, and am committed to creating a space free from judgment or fear. I am passionate about helping clients find comfort and peace in their journey toward healing.

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 Business: Insight Transformations

Offering: Energy Healing, Tarot Readings, Sacred Ceremonies, and Massage Therapy

I am Elihu (El) Vineiz-Cox and I’m a Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist, Ordained Minister, and Tarot Card Reader. My office is in Woods Cross, Utah. In my journey, I have benefited from many different healing modalities, and found a love for subtle energies and intuitive knowing. I believe that everything the body experiences is information that can be used to provide insight into one’s spiritual journey. I offer a safe space for self discovery and healing negative patterns. different.

My healing journey started with myself. I suffered from the usual ailments for years, and then found myself struggling to keep up with daily tasks due to undiagnosed illnesses. Several medications and doctor’s visits later, I decided to try energy medicine; it was a game-changer. Symptoms that had landed me in the ER were relieved in the first ten minutes of that first session. I continued treatment and climbed back into functional health. I believe in combining Western and Energy Medicine to treat the whole self.

I provide conscientious healing for both simple and complex issues, focusing on the energy field and the body. There are so many wonderful resources available. Energy Medicine addresses the metaphysical side of the equation and brings insight into what manifests in the physical. Hands-on bodywork zeroes in on where trauma is kept in the body and allows it to release, disrupting patterns of dysfunction and relearning healthy posture and movement. Energy is the linchpin that holds it all together. In consultation over the phone, or when you come in for your visit, we will discuss what you need on your healing journey. I do an energetic scan to get information on where in your body you feel the issue. We will discuss what modalities best fit your needs and go from there. 

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 Business: Off the Rails w CC

Offering: Intuitive readings with Dragons and Art

Empowering Souls Through Kindness & Shadow Work**  Hello beautiful souls! I'm Christina, a passionate advocate for personal growth and self-discovery.  With a heart full of compassion and a spirit dedicated to uplifting others, I specialize in guiding individuals through the transformative journey of shadow work. Shadow work is all about embracing our hidden selves, understanding our deepest emotions, and uncovering the parts of us that need healing.  I believe that everyone deserves a safe and supportive space to explore their inner world, and I'm here to offer just that – a nurturing environment where you can grow, heal, and flourish. With kindness as my compass, I aim to inspire and empower you to face your shadows with courage and love. Whether it's through one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or insightful content, my mission is to help you unlock your true potential and live a life of authenticity and joy. Join me on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we'll shine a light on the darkness and find the strength within

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Business: Fringe Spirit

Offering: 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, group program or course, email , text or messenger readings, energy healing

My name is Tricia and I’m born and raised in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. I love hiking, kayaking, soaking up the sun, and spending time in the ocean. I am married to my high school sweetheart and a mom of two beautiful humans.

While always extremely empathic and connected to the spirit world, I didn’t begin to understand the potential of our metaphysical abilities until later in life. My mission here is to share knowledge, raise the collective vibration, and tap those who are questioning their reality into their soul.

Let’s light the path for others!

My methods are not all ‘love and light’ because at the end of the day, we live in a dualistic universe where light and dark co-exist together. My belief is we should learn about both, how they exist in our realities, and how to work with both if we want to reach our full potential. This allows for empowerment, clear vision, and removing of that fear of the unknown that we all have, which tends to be our number one block.

I provide a variety of energy healing services, home clearing services, removal of low vibrational energies and beings, past life karmic clearing, channeling, card readings, activations, integrations, and more. The sky if the limit of what we can do and problem solving is what lights me up.

While energy work comes very naturally to me, at the end of the day, I know I am here to teach those who are stepping into their power how to access their spiritual abilities. Nothing excites me more than connecting someone with their specific magic that is deep within their soul that they are either unaware of or unsure how to tap into. Again, the sky is the limit!

It’s not learning, it’s remembering.

We can access past lives and integrate those abilities into the present. We can tap into your specific healing, transmuting, and energy manipulation techniques you have done hundreds or thousands of times in past lives. Why take a class and learn someone else’s technique when you can simply tap into YOUR technique? There’s no right or wrong way to work with energy, but we must remember our soul remembers what we’ve done and can easily integrate that into you in this present incarnation.

Let’s create magic and raise the collective vibration together! 

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Business: Spiritual Healing Mama

Offering: Mediumship & Energy Reading, 1:1 Sessions Virtual or In Person

My name is Victoria Rebeca, growing up I always had a sense of energy always being around me. When I was about 7 years old I had my first interaction with spirit but was quickly told to block it.
I came into Mediumship through my healing journey and practices of 13 years that allowed me to hone into my intuition and the levels of frequencies that surround us. Helping me understand the channeling I've been doing since a child.
Mediumship can help you connect, forgive, release and help you in your different grieving stages.
I read and explore your energy and together we can close and open a new chapter if you are ready and open too.
Helping you unblock and release any blockages you may carry.
I'd also love to mentor you if you are someone that already feels or hears energy and just need more practice to fine tune and understand your gifts better.
My goal is to help as many souls as I can connect to their inner source.

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Business: Spiral To Wholeness

Offering: Energy Healing, Oracle Cards, 1:1 Sessions Virtual or In person, Group Pprogram or course

As I dug deep in the soil, learning how to grow my own food—literally eating the fruits of my labor—I saw my body as something sacred and beautiful.

Entering into the world of earth activism and then bodywork, I began to notice similar patterns of giving and martyrdom, in myself and those around me. Under the guise of “saving the world,” we put others’ needs before our own for the sake of the greater good. I gave of myself and my skills so readily. It worked…until it didn’t. It took me quite a while to connect all the dots.

"I began to realize that if I truly wanted to make a difference in the world, it had to begin from within."

Thus began my deeper dive into my own spiraling healing journey:

  • connecting with my own divine feminine;

  • coming face-to-face with my shadows in order to integrate them into the whole;

  • tuning into nature’s rhythmic cycles that were echoed within my own body;

  • participating in healing dance;

  • breathwork;

  • coming back to the earth for continual grounding and support;

  • and remembering the healing power of my own beautiful voice.

I have reclaimed the meaning of my name, Sara Oakley, as princess of the oak grove.

I see myself as a woman who has become deeply rooted and has grown into a mighty oak tree, and now it is my mission to become a sacred witness to others who are ready to take root and grow into their own fullness.

I have settled in the mountains of North Carolina, where I feel safe and held much like a child in her mother’s arms. I live with my amazing, supportive husband and our daughter Rosemary Grace. I am teaching her to honor the sacredness within her and around her.

Education and Training

Sacred Feminine Mystery School // Certified Practitioner in Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing // 2019-2022

BodyMind Coaching Practitioner training // 2019

Serpentine Earth Medicine Apprenticeship with Anna KyLeah // 2019

Hands of Light Energy Healing Introductory Workshop with Debi Sinclair // 2018

Myofascial Release Therapy with Eli Peltz // 2017

Nonviolent Communication training // 2013

Massage Therapy, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute // 2010

Licensed Massage therapist since 2015 NC LMBT #15066

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Business: Starflower Intuitive 

Offering: Virtual healing sessions to support overall wellness through Reiki, LIIFT unTherapy, and Light Alignment Healing Method. Energy Healing, Pendulum

Starflower Intuitive is owned by Sheila Edwards, an intuitive healer, Reiki practitioner and LIIFT facilitator. Sheila is the parent of a neurodiverse child and a trauma survivor. She specializes in supporting individuals with disabilities or trauma experiences, as well as their families.

Her work incorporates healing frequencies, nutrition, flower essences, and the Light Alignment Healing Method. Sheila is an avid researcher and continues to expand her knowledge and understanding of healing root causes to improve overall wellness.

Through Starflower Intuitive, Sheila is able to support individuals on their healing journey. She can help you find a path back to hope and make a plan to pursue your dreams.

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Business: Magic In Relationships Coaching LLC

Offering: 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, group program or course, email , text or messenger readings, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards

Lisa Holt is a Certified Life and Relationship Coach who has made it her life’s work to demystify what we have been taught about love and how we relate to others.

She uses her intuitive gift of discernment to draw out blind spots and patterns. She holds a Masters Degree in Human Services Counseling and is currently working on her PhD in Spiritual Counseling.

She is inspired by her relationship with her husband on a daily basis for the work she does with clients. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, fitness, and deep meditation practices.

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Offering: Tarot, Pendulum, Card Reading, Crystals, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards

Coming Soon

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Business: Dolly's Healings

Offering: 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, email , text or messenger readings, group program or course, Tarot, Pendulum, Card Reading, Crystals, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards

Hello I’m a intuitive reader. I do cleansings, energy healing ,spellwork, and various readings. i do coffee grounds, bay leaf manifestations,numerology, reiki , past live mediumship , love ,general, career/finances , jopoie and pendulum divination , dream interpretation, aura, and chakra, angel messages , meeting your guides and fertility readings.i do much more then what is listed as well.  

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Business: Nomis Massage and Soul Healing

Offering: 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, email , text or messenger readings, group program or course, Tarot, Pendulum, Card Reading, Crystals, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards

Hi, I’m CJ Crockett. I am a passionate massage therapist and Reiki Master based in Charlotte, NC. As a trans man, I have a unique perspective on massage and energy work that I’d love to share with you. I also have years of experience in both the fields of massage and energy work that have provided me with perspectives and skills which I use daily in my practice to help bring about complete Soul Healing. Unofficially, I have been doing massage and energy work since I was a teenager. I was the one in the friend group and in my family who was giving the back rubs. I also started receiving energetic downloads as a teenager that I have since developed in my Signature energy modality: Nomis Soul Healing. I am a Reiki Master and Energy Healer, as well as Massage Therapist because it is in blending these fields that I find the greatest healing happens. I regularly take continuing education classes to further my skills. For me, learning is a life-long passion and you can always get me interested in cool new research. Beyond learning, I am also always eager to share my knowledge and experience. I offer classes to individuals and groups, imparting the 20 years of wisdom I’ve gained in energy work and 14 years of massage skills, to help people bring healing home. I believe strongly in giving back to the community when I can, which is why I created my Pay It Forward Program to help those who deserve healing but due to financial constraints find it unattainable. Outside my healing room at Nomis Massage and Soul Healing, I share my life in Charlotte with my soon-to-be fiancee, Zoe, and our dog, Astro. I write for fun and like to build houses in the Sims 4. I’m a pretty simple guy, but I love my life.  

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Business: Sound Waves Healing

Offering: Psychic Reiki Healing & Light Language, plus a Lightworkers Membership, and 1:1 Mentorship and Shamanic Healing and Upleveling Sessions

Rachel Chamness is a Shamanic Channel & Mentor. She empowers Lightworkers to rapidly expand into shamanic realms by channeling high-dimensional beings for light, healing, and guidance.

Rachel Chamness is a Shamanic Channel & Mentor. She empowers Lightworkers to rapidly expand into shamanic realms by channeling high-dimensional beings for light, healing, and guidance.

As a former professional Opera Singer, Rachel uses her trained voice and trance-channeling as tools to provide Spirit-guided Liquid Reiki Shamanic connections and attunements to connect clients with Higher Dimensional Beings, Light Codes & Grids for Ascension Advancement for their own empowerment.

Rachel teaches online courses for channeling healing, light, sound, and messages to bring Lightworkers in full alignment with their Light Path work.

Her channeled Fae Oracle Deck, Elemental Magick & Manifestation is the first publication of many to help others connect to the psychic realm where beautiful beings of the light can help you transform your life. Her chapter contribution to The Beings book speaks of her history with Blue Avian galactic beings.

Her monthly Transformation & Ascension Group (TAG) is a Community & Library to increase channeling ability, psychic clairs, and healing connections to all types of high vibrational Light Beings, with weekly readings, healings and support. 

Tune into her podcast, 5D Channels & Chats with Rachel Chamness, or her Ethereal TV show, Higher Realm Activations. Join her for weekly lives in her Facebook Group, 5D Daily: Spiritual Healers in Higher Dimensions.
Rachel spends her off time crystal hunting with her son, escaping into fantasy romance novels, and enjoying Sci-Fi Movies with her hubby.

You can find more information about Rachel and her work at www.soundwavesheal.com.

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Business: Persistent Courage

Offering: Life and Business Coaching, Inner Child Work, Energy Healing, Oracle Card Pulls, Automatic Writing, Meditations, Inspirational Writing, Card Reading, Crystals, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards

Hello! I’m Sondra Imperati. I’ve always had a special connection with my intuition, spirit guides and angels. I’m now honored to parlay this into serving others. My mission is to help people and businesses who are ready transform their lives and companies to achieve their highest potential!

Personally, I’ve experienced just about all there is to go through in life—healing my own inner child, suicide of a parent, miscarriage, caregiving, divorce, starting over, career change, remarriage and step-parenthood. While your situation is unique, please know you have someone who doesn’t judge and can relate!

From a career perspective, I’ve worked for large and small companies for the last 25 years in business, marketing and customer experience. Businesses of all sizes are struggling, using my business experience & spirit, I can help your business thrive!

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Business: Luminous Evolution

Offering: Energy Healing,  Oracle Cards, 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, Courses

Kacie is a spiritual teacher, mentor, author and speaker, and founder of Luminous Evolution- A revolutionary movement that is all about blending personal, spiritual and business development for lightworkers, healers, coaches and practitioners so they can become divine channels, amplify their soul gifts and share their magic with the world! Kacie has almost 20 years of transformational coaching and facilitation experience, and has created her own incredible energy work modality that helps to restore people to their divine essence and activate their soul gifts. She loves empowering people and helping them embody their magic in her private mentorship, digital courses, certifications, oracle cards and more!  

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Business: Paw2Soul Connection

Offering: Energy Healing, Crystals, Oracle Cards

At Paw 2 Soul Connection, founded by Janice Yeater, we specialize in providing distance Reiki services for humans and their service animals, as well as pets. Our holistic approach also includes a variety of behavioral and cognitive services tailored to meet the unique needs of both humans and animals.

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Business: Fearless Women Circle

Offering: Multidimensional timeline healing sessions, Soul illumination akashic journeys, Custom activations & attunements, 5 Element Dragon Fire Reiki Courses, Group circles & healing.

Michelle Chen is a purpose activator, soul path alignment and ascension guide. She is a bridge for divine consciousness, offering deep alchemy, activating your sacred connection to your soul blueprint, and aligning you to your divine gateway. Collapsing duality and blending aligned action with inner soul work, Michelle radically empowers healers, coaches, entrepreneurs and heart-centered individuals to align and embody their highest essence and fullest potential. So that they can shine their magnificent light, share their potent magic and unleash their unique soul expression authentically and boldly.

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Business: MZSoulFrequency LLC

Offering: Akashic Records 'Soul Frequency' sessions, Spirit Channeling, Advanced Subconscious Work using The Spiral modality for healing a painful/emotional conditioning/traumatic past that uses time line therapy, muscle testing, emotional clearing. Chakra Clearing to clear your energy centers, Manifestation Clears to bring your vision to life. 'Soul Purpose' Sessions-Emotional Clearing while in your Akashic Records.
Transformation Alchemy, Life Coach/Mentor, Power Activation, Shadow work with Emotional Clearing, Discover your Purpose Sessions, Spiritual Empowerment Leader, Emotional Clearing Educator.

Hi beautiful souls. I'm Beth and I'm excited to work with you to connect you to your spirit team to get that spiritual guidance you have been seeking. I'm your channel to bride the gap in the spiritual realm and your consciousness. I also firmly believe emotional clearing in the subconscious lightens your energy which can assist in opening your channel further for your own gifts, intuition, purpose, soul frequency and the confidence needed to be the magical, mystical soul you were born to be. I assist those desiring for a metamorphosis, a deep transformation to live your magical life in as much joy and love as possible. I've been working with the Akashic Records for the past 5 years while also doing advanced work in the subconscious for deep emotional healing. I firmly believe this combination to connect to your spirit team for guidance for what's the next steps forward in life with clearing stuck emotions out of the way to move into this vision of your spirit team has for you has been the magical secret to ones soul being in purpose and moving into more purpose work and living a more authentic life that you desire. I also love to channel spirit in oracle card readings using my heightened intuition to connect through higher power for those yummy messages to come through. I also teach emotional clearing for you to learn how to shift your own emotional state into a more calm place with less overwhelm and anxiety. Lets connect.

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Business: Moon Over Pisces

Offering: 15 years experience as Reiki master, encompassing Usui, Atlantean and Kundalini Reiki. Past Life readings/healings, Karmic healings, Kundalini Reiki teacher, Chakra clearing, inner child healing, twin flame healing/activation

I've always been connected to the other side. Ever since I can remember I have seen spirits, talked to people who weren't there but I could feel around me and wanted to know more about what we can't see. I didn't choose energy healing, it chose me. I started my journey as a psychic medium thinking I was going to be the next Theresa Caputo. Apparently I made a different plan when I came here. I have always loved transformations whether they are emotional, or physical or even seeing someone completely redecorate their home. There's a scene in the show "Dead Like Me" where the main character Georgia says the part of Halloween she loved was being able to see inside people's homes, I felt that so deeply. Seeing inside someone for who they truly are is such a beautiful gift. We don't often have that in our lives even with our loved ones. If I'm not behind my computer writing trashy romance novels, something you'd never suspect based on my work as an energy healer, I'm playing with my cat, cooking for my family and taking care of them. I live kind of a boring life but after a lifetime of feeling like I had to live up to other's view of success, this feels like home right now.

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Business: Soul Alchemy 4 You

Offering: Beyond Quantum Healing, Energy Work, Past Life Regression, Akashic Records Readings

Coming Soon

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Business: The Way She Was Made

Offering: I help female entrepreneurs build personalised brand and marketing strategies that align with their unique human design, astrology and cycle. I have a coaching program The Aligned Feminine Marketing Flow

I am a 4/6 Sacral Generator with a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon & Taurus Rising sign! I am also an empath and use my intuitive gifts in all of my work from strategy, coaching & concepting through design. I have a passion for all things holistic, helping others (and rescuing all the dogs)! Creativity & strategy have always been my thing - Combining that side of myself with my passion for holistic healing has led me here and I am so glad it got you here too! A little bit about me: For most of my twenties I have felt like a hot mess - I was doing all the things I was “supposed to be doing” - College, getting married, got the corporate job, bought a house - but I just felt more and more lost and confused. Design school for me was a highlight - it brought me to Savannah GA where I studied graphic design and advertising which combined my love for design & strategy. I can remember getting injured when I was 24 and needing hand surgery - waking up from that I had a sinking feeling that I won’t forget about needing to make big changes in my life. I knew that I needed to start thinking of me for the first time ever which was really hard. I started to really dig deep with what I wanted - eventually getting divorced, changing jobs and changing careers - Over that time (in my work world) I have done everything from single handedly managing a large scale global merchandising program to freelance marketing for small businesses and even managing luxury weddings. Eventually, the constant grind and often working 2-3 jobs to pay the bills had me hit rock bottom with burnout (like full scale phase 3 adrenal fatigue, autoimmune conditions - the works). However, it also led me to a path of healing, holistic wellness & self discovery. I knew their had to be a better way - And I am here to tell you there is! The “system” that we have created is completely broken. Especially as women, we need to go back to our roots and reconnect with our selves because when we do - magic happens.

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Business: Angelic Psychic Hawk

Offering: Psychic Medium & Reader

Hello! My names Gislene! A little about me in a nut shell! I’m Brazilian, 38 years old female living in Canada, Calgary where I get to immerse in the majestic mountains, a great place for grounding and meditating! I’ve recently dabbled into really muscling my psychic gifts these last few months. My gifts that I excel in are psychic mediumship, relationship readings and single readings seem to be my niche but I’m still pretty much a newbie but they’re is nothing more rewarding then being able to help people as it’s absolutely my passion and just be able to give you some relief and closure from your beloved passed loved ones. I always go over and above on my readings to each individual, nothing more satisfying than leaving you with an accurate reading!

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Business: September Hope, Intuitive & Reiki Master Teacher

Offering: Intuitive Readings, Pendulum Readings, Reiki sessions, Chakra Balancing, Reiki Home & Business energy resets or blessings.

Hi, my name is September Hope, Intuitive & Reiki Master Teacher. Through family linage the abilities came naturally. I don't remember a time when I haven't received messages, felt energies, thoughts & emotions of others, been aware of spirits when they visit. I have been involved in the health and beauty industry over three decades. My goal is to assist YOU to be your best self in mind, body and spirit. Balancing one’s energy, relieving stress, releasing past memories assisting your ability to heal. I've trained in a variety of natural healing modalities and specialize in Intuitive Readings, Reiki sessions and classes.

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Business: DeeAnna Merz Nagel, LLC

Offering: I offer professional development courses for therapists, coaches and healers that double as personal growth.

I am a seasoned psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, coach, aromatherapist, and spiritual teacher. My work is deeply influenced by an intuitive perspective, with teaching being the core aspect of my current endeavors. With over 30 years of experience in direct service to individuals, families, and groups, I am now exclusively dedicated to facilitating learning in the healing arts and sharing insights from my own direct experiences. I guide practitioners on clinical, psychospiritual and intuitive learning journeys! Many of the courses I offer lead to highly esteemed credentials. Referred to as the “Practical Pixie,” I balance my mystical inclinations with analytical and logical thinking, previously conducting forensic mental health evaluations for the court. An introvert and self-proclaimed geek-girl, I have a penchant for social media, avatars, and telemental health. In 2008, I co-founded the Online Therapy Institute and remain an active thought leader and educator in the field. Alongside this, I have co-created a psychospiritual process known as Essential Soul Care®. My own experiences with early childhood trauma and physical disability- primary lymphedema (born with it!) and an acquired autoimmune disorder in my 30’s (sarcoidosis) after exposure to black mold- have also influenced my desire to find holistic ways to approach healing and optimal health. I believe in the mind-body-spirit trinity and that shows up in my teachings as well. Beyond my professional identity, I am a devoted cat mom, a friend to many, a daughter to my mother, and an admirer of beautiful things like bone china tea cups, doilies, and Victorian lamps. My surroundings reflect my love for Byzantine art, flamingos and crystals. I incorporate essential oils and oracle cards into my moon rituals too! I have found my tribe- my soul family and it grows daily. I am also part of a prescribed tribe by birth- GRITS- Girls Raised in the South! My maiden name is Poulimenos and that’s a nod to my Greek heritage!

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Business: Awake and Inspired with Alicia

Offering: 1-1 Sessions, Group work and Masterclasses

I am so excited to be here! I am a Medium, Mentor and Energy Healer with a specialization in guiding those who are on a path to healing and those who are moving through transformation and change. My awakening and healing journey, which started in 2017, set me on a path of healing chronic physical illness and stepping out of one reality into another within only a few short months. I "woke up" to a version of myself that no longer resonated. And psychic gifts I had no idea what to do with or how to manage! I was scared. I felt alone. I was lost. If I had only had a Collective like this to support me! It all led me down a path to finding my way back to who I really am. The best version of me, free from the patterns, traumas, and triggers that were holding me back. The version of me who was no longer in fear. I am here to help you do the same. Since then, I have been serving in ways I could have never dreamed of! Working with those who are moving through transformation, change, spiritual awakenings and wanting to remember WHO they are and why they are here! I serve as a Healer, Mentor and Medium to your higher self and your guides. I offer 1-1 Sessions, Group Masterclasses, 1-1 Mentoring Containers, Unlock your Intuitive - A 12- Module Course with 1-1 support, and many other in-person and online events for those who aspire to harness their own intuitive connection and abilities - whether in their work, or as part of their healing journey to live their most aligned lives. I work with you to facilitate physical and emotional healing and personal transformation through intuitive guidance, connecting with your Spirit Guides, Past-life Healing, Timeline and Karmic Clearing, Chakra Healing and Activations, Advanced Pendulum Healing, and other modalities to bring healing, alignment, and into your power! Join me this Summer for Evolve Pop-Up Healing Sessions on Zoom to get to know me! FREE to members of the Collective for your first event. Designed to guide you through healing & attuning to the new energy coming in, and to provide answers to your questions. Drop in and bring your questions as I will be doing LIVE Mentoring, Healing and delivering messages from the guides. If you are ready to step forward to expand your awareness of what is possible. I am your guide!

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Business: My Healing Path

Offering: I help people identify and release the trapped emotions that keep them stuck, stagnant and unfulfilled in life

For over six years, I’ve been dedicated to helping individuals break free from invisible chains, rediscover their passions, and reignite their zest for life.
My journey into energy healing began with a profound personal heartbreak. This experience set me on a path of discovery, leading me to find a way to heal the barriers that keep us apart from the people we love and the life we yearn for. I discovered that unhealed, trapped emotions often obscure our path, making it difficult to move forward.
During a session, we work together to explore the areas you want to focus on. Using my pendulum, I’ll guide us through a series of questions to pinpoint and identify each trapped emotion. What sets my practice apart is my commitment to not just releasing these emotions but replacing them with unconditional love—for yourself and others. In a world infused with such love, the possibilities are limitless.
The ultimate outcome of our work together is to help you reconnect with your inner self and rediscover your true passions and purpose in life. Just as you wouldn’t expect to lose 20 pounds from a single workout, meaningful transformation comes with time and commitment. I often recommend multiple sessions to address significant life changes thoroughly and ensure lasting impact.
After each session, you’ll receive a detailed text outlining the emotions we’ve released, helping you track your progress and stay clear on your journey.

If you’ve ever felt stuck, stagnant, or uncertain about the barriers holding you back, I invite you to take the first step toward a renewed and vibrant you. Let’s work together to unlock your potential, reignite your passion, and find your true purpose in life.

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Business: 954psychic

Offering: Psychic readings tarot cards past life regressions

My name is psychic Lee I am a 3rd generation reader who has helped others from all over be world find the most important things in life CLARITY. I offer sessions of voice vibrations tarot cards and astrology or a combo to give you the best results possible in order to help you make the right decisions

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Business: The Night Market

Offering: Lenormand card readings for divination and workshops for writers and creative expression.

I am interested in helping others find their way through this journey. Sometimes you need a helping hand to point the way, or a story to help you understand it all.
I am a card reader and specifically read Lenormand. If you are not familiar with Lenormand, it is a 36-card deck that originated in the 1700s. These cards work together to “tell a story” about what you might need in life, a story about where you might be going.
You can ask the deck any questions, but yes/no questions are not the best. The Lenormand like to tell you a story. And they are tough. Think about a friend you have that always tells you how it is. The Lenormand are like this friend.
In addition to these types of readings:
9-card mini tableau
18-card tableau
I also work with burgeoning writers, creative writers, memoir or creative-non-fiction writers. Together, we use Lenormand to brainstorm, to think about characters and plot, to plan a new twist in our novels.
Whether you’d like a traditional card reading or you’d like to join the Night Market Writers, please contact me!
The Lenormand are waiting to answer.

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Business: Angel Teresa, LLC & Life Warriors, LLC

Offering: Psychic, Mediumship Readings; Spiritual Coaching; Mediumship Mindset Coaching; Group Mentoring; Reiki Master Teaching Healing; Spiritual Assessments

Angel Teresa is a multi-generational healer, psychic, evidential medium, mediumship mindset coach and spiritual coach. Angel Teresa's life’s mission is to help others tap into their intuition, and other expansive metaphysical skills, to create a life of purpose, joy, and compassionate connection.

Angel Teresa also helps other mediums, modern mystics, and the intuitively curious strengthen their channel to the Spirit world so they can tune in quickly and confidently. She teaches techniques she has used in her own mediumship mastery. Through her coaching and mentoring, her students undergo growth, expansion and transformation in their mediumship skills, their psychic abilities and their own connection to Spirit and the Universe.

When Angel is not healing, giving readings or coaching, she enjoys: hanging out with her family; cooking; the gym; or cuddling with her favorite pooch, Vida.

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Business: Fatefull Connections

Offering: Rune Casting, Automatic writing, Spiritual Counseling

Hi! I’m Colleen. My mission is to help others lift the veils to make the most of their human experience. I began to awaken spiritually in 2019 after I left a toxic home and work environment. It was then accelerated after enduring a near-death experience in 2021. This led to an ongoing quest to “prove” what I already learned from Spirit: that we are truly all connected, that every religion contains some truth, and that we continue to live after physical death. This journey took my studies down many roads including intuition development, divination tools and methods, the Hermetic arts, meditation, dream analysis, symbolism, and philosophy. Along the way, I discovered the runes. I have spent much time building a relationship with them through meditation, study, and communication with Spirit. My studies paired with my clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, produce readings that will provide clear direction for you. I approach every client with the understanding that they were put in my path for a reason and treat that knowledge with the utmost reverence.

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Business: Chakra Energy Healing and Wellness

Offering: Energy Healing, Chakra Alignment, Intuitive Oracle Readings, Spiritual Awakening Shadow-work and Self-Love Coaching.

As a Multidimensional Energy Healer, Thais Blinks aka Alchemist Thais has taken her spiritual awakening experience along side her 24 years experience as a chemistry and physics teacher and integrated them into a holistic healing practice. She specializes in energy healing, chakra alignment, intuitive oracle readings, spiritual awakening shadow work and Self-Love Coaching. Thais teaches about the aura and chakras including ways to protect your energy, nourish your mind, body and soul naturally, and handle life from a place of inner peace.

Thais is on a mission of energy empowerment for all and has a vision to see more people better manage their energy budget to live more vibrantly. She personally matches clients with the spiritual self-care tools used to connect with their inner divine energy…healing crystals, essential oils, incense and herbs in various forms.

An Energy Reading with Alchemist Thais is an immersive experience of sound healing, reiki energy healing, and divine insight facilitated with singing bowl, tuning forks, and oracle cards that leaves you with a lighter brighter aura, balanced chakras, and peaceful vibe. Connect with Alchemist Thais to get your energy right!

Alchemist Thais
“Your peace is my passion! Your healing is my purpose!” ™️

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Business: Sacred Places of Enchantment

Offering: High Vibrational Spiritual Download Tarot and Oracle Readings and Energy Infused Crystal Quartz Sacred Healing Products

Hello, it's Ms. Sunny, I Am.. The Creator of Energy Infused Crystal Quartz Sacred Healing Body Care Products! I also create Luxurious Handmade Intentual Crystal Healing Jewelry, Crystal Herbal Candles, High Vibrational Energy Tools, Wands, Sage Fans and much more! Being a Divine Natural Gifted Healer and Practitioner of Elevated Mindset Energy Shift. I encourage you to: End Cycles of Lower Vibrational Energy. Connect with Your Higher God - Goddess Dimensional Mind of Self Awareness and Divine Feminine / Masculine Energy of Power to bring Your Desire's to Fruition from The Spiritual Realms into The Physical Plane. I Am ... A Certified Master Reiki, Crystal Quartz Healer, Certified Spiritual Life and Wellness Counselor, I offer Crystal Gemstone, Love, Isis, What's The T, Financial, Tarot, Oracale, Sacred Soul, Repair Evolution Growth, Light Language, Hidden Futures, Dragon, Channel, Intuitive, Angelic and Akashic Records Readings and my main objective is to assist you into reaching your full potential through our high vibrational readings, guided meditations, counseling services and Energy Infused Crystal Quartz Sacred Healing Products and Energy Tools for your Spiritual Journey

Alchemist Thais
“Your peace is my passion! Your healing is my purpose!” ™️

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Business: Mallory Kiersten- Joy Goddess

Offering: Emotional Clearing, Pleasure-based coaching (to help land you in the body so you can expand your gifts), Sacred Money Archetypes readings/clearings, Akashic Records reader

Mallory Kiersten (she/they) is dedicated to helping recovering people-pleasers, perfectionists and overachievers reclaim their pleasure and start living life for themselves again. Through her guidance, clients dive into profound self-love and acceptance, enabling them to create the most delicious, pleasure-filled lives imaginable!

Mallory is a self-love and Unstuck Yourself™ coach, a certified Erotic Blueprint™ coach, and an Accelerated Evolution practitioner in training. She is also certified in the Sacred Money Archetypes® framework, an Akashic Records reader and emotional clearing practitioner of The Spiral modality. In her work, Mallory focuses on liberating clients from their limitations, helping them reclaim all parts of themselves—especially those aspects they’ve been ashamed of or have been told are “too much.”

When she’s not coaching, you can find Mallory reading, dancing, watching cartoons, and probably making silly faces at herself in the mirror.

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Business: Mystic Healing Alchemy

Offering: I offer channeled messages, card readings, soma spiritual mentorship, energy work, reiki, meditation support, etc

Michelle Manley has been on a lifelong spiritual and healing journey. Her journey has led her to finding her path to healing and wholeness as well as healing herself of debilitating chronic health issues. She is a soma-spiritual coach, multidimensional energy practitioner, reiki master teacher and jungian tarot reader. As a cult and domestic violence survivor, she is deeply trauma sensitive. She helps guide her diverse clientele to find their unique equilibrium in their daily life as well as their spiritual lives

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Business: Heartland Tarot

Offering: I read tarot and oracle intuitively, I am a psychic medium, offer Pendulum readings, rune readings, charm readings, channeled messages from spirit, channeled letters, chakra assessments on blockages, energy clearing, aura energy reader, spellwork, rituals, and spell jars.

I read tarot and oracle intuitively, offer Pendulum readings, rune readings, charmed readings and channeled messages from spirit. I am a Psychic medium, natural born healer, energy aura reader, clairvoyant, clairaudiant, clairsentient, claircognizance, energy healer, and spiritual advisor. I am also into earth magic and a white witch. I am able to preform spellwork, spell jars and rituals. I do not perform anything that will interfere with one's free will.

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Business: Dawning Clarity

Offering: Tarot, Oracle, Akashic Records, and Reiki

Hello lovely people! I'm here to help you align to your souls true path. I have been on a transformational journey myself over the past several years. I specialize in intuitive oracle and tarot readings. I connect to the Akashic records and meet with your spirit team in order to provide you with the best possible advice to get you aligned with your soul's path, your gifts, and where you might be out of balance. I offer energetic healing where needed. If you are feeling like you need clarity in how to uplevel your spiritual growth, or clarity of your path please feel free to reach out.


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Business: Swanspirit.org

Offering: Channeled Angelic Guidance, Reiki therapy, Spiritual Coaching, Group readings, Mediumship, Personalized wellness plans

Michelle Blazer - Michelle’s passion is to empower people to unlock their full potential by guiding them to discover their inner strength and value. As a Reiki Master, Akashic Records reader, and Spiritual Coach, she acts as a guide, channeling messages from the Angels and Ethos - A Collective energy of Sirius. She translates this divine guidance into clear insights, empowering you to embrace your full potential.

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Business: Spiritquartz Connections

Offering: Tarot and Oracle card Reader Empath, Medium, Intuitive Energy Healer and Reiki Practitioner.

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