$39.99 USD

Every month

31 day trial
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1/2 Off PsyChicks Collective First Month + Access To The Let's Go Live Challenge

This is a unique opportunity to join the PsyChicks Collective for a 1/2 off trial month and participate in the "Let's Go Live Challenge!" 

By signing up you will be able to access all features of the PsyChicks Collective, reg $39.99 a month including:

✅ Directory Listing

✅ Email Lead Servicing 

✅ Ability to self-promote and share your business in the 20K+ member Facebook Group as an expert 

✅ Ability to GO LIVE in the 20K member Facebook Group and share your business

✅ Access to PsyChicks Collective only Private Facebook Group

✅ Access to PsyChicks Collective private Group Chat

✅ Support, coaching and encouragement + additional training resources by Brandie Peters

AND take part in the "Let's Go Live Challenge" with chance to rewards!

How The "Let's Go Live " Challenge Works

You will have 31 days to complete 3 videos.

For all 3 videos you will be provided with , speaking prompts for what you will talk about and a worksheet to help you prepare.

You will Go Live in the PsyChicks Facebook Group and complete your live videos in order to complete the challenge.

You will be provided with step-by-steps for going live so while you do these 3 videos you will also learn the skillsets to "Go Live" with confidence going forward

The outcome of this challenge will be 3 videos each valuable to your business!

Live Video 1 - Introduce Your

Live Video 2 - Introduce Your Talents and What You Do To Help People

Live Video 3 - A Live Demonstration Of Your Offering ( OR ) You Will TEACH something / share expert knowledge that relates to your business

Who is this for?

Any metaphysical / helping, healing, personal support related small business owner who believes that Going Live and sharing themselves and their work will benefit their business but have technical challenges or fear relating to livestreaming. Who also desire the opportunity to "Go Live" in front of a relevant audience.

Can I join the challenge without joining the collective?

No, in order to Go Live in our Facebook Group you must be a member of the PsyChicks Collective and have a directory listing. We are providing a 1/2 off first month to allow new people to try out being in the collective through this challenge.

How long do I have to complete me 3 videos?

You hav up to 31 days to complete your 3 videos in the challenge to qualify for rewards. However we suggest you try to do 3 within 7 or 3 within 14 to keep your momentum up.

Do I need a fancy light or mic to do this?

No , this challenges encourages you to "come as you are" and overcome the fear or overthinking preventing you from going live. 

Will I need to schedule events for my lives?

We will walk you through the process of scheduling live events so you know how , but no this is not required. Spontaneous lives are encouraged after you have completed the prep worksheets. If you need it you will also be able to practice in our private PsyChicks Collective only group to begin with.