Metaphysical Business Owners Looking for Clients Online: Writing A Bio That Will Attract More Customers to You

Metaphysical business owners are often asked to provide a "professional bio" when listing their services online. Knowing what to include, the right tone to use, how much information is appropriate, and how to inject a bit of personality can be a challenge for many of us. In this guide, we’ll outline a strategy for crafting a clear and concise bio that resonates with your ideal clients. By the end, we aim to demystify the process of writing a professional bio and give you the confidence to create one that effectively attracts customers aligned with your offerings.

Take The Objective Approach When Writing Your Professional Bio 

One of the biggest challenges in writing a professional bio for your metaphysical business is that, as the owner and service provider, you're often “too close to it.” Let’s be honest—writing about ourselves can feel overwhelming and lead to overthinking, making it hard to even complete a first draft. A little-known secret that works well for many is to write your bio as if you were describing someone else. Approaching it objectively helps you avoid feelings of self-doubt or imposter syndrome, and allows you to create a more sincere and genuine bio without leaving out important details. Below, we’ve outlined steps to help guide you through the process if you’re feeling stuck.

Step By Step Guide to Writing A Great Professional Bio for Your Metaphysical Business

Step #1: Start by making a list of the “facts” that are concrete and specific.

I am a 46 year old female, I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada,
I worked as a teacher for 5 years before starting my life coaching business


Step #2: Now make a list of the relevant certifications and accomplishments that would be included in your professional bio.


I have hosted 3 retreats in Sedona
I was a contributing author on *insert book
I have a Podcast called ____ .
I have my Reiki level 1 and 2

Again, simply make a list of what is true and relevant



Step #3: Include some distinctive details to make your bio stand out. Again just make a list and do not try to write a narrative.

I have 2 dogs name Bob and Ted
I enjoy reading steamy romance novels
I enjoy long walks on the beach.


Step #4: Include a description of outcomes and transformations that you have facilitated

I helped my clients “do what?”

Through my signature “what” “what is achieved”

By combining Tarot and Life Coaching I help my clients “what”

I teach you how to “what”


Step #5: Include your personal mission statement

My mission is ____________.

My mission is to empower self-love and self-trust


Step #6: Include some of your beliefs or brand values

I value freedom

I value higher self connection

I believe everyone would be happier and healthier if they connected with their intuition

Step #7: Paint a picture of what results a person could have access to by choosing you.

Imagine __________________________….


Imagine knowing that you are divinely protected and being led by your spirit guide team

Imagine having closure and no longer stuck wondering “what if”

Imagine feeling empowered and connected to your highest self

Step #8: Mention directly what you offer and who your customers are, so that they can identify if they are that potential customer.

I am offering _________ and ________ for ( who )

Step #9: Conclude with very clear instructions on what to do next.


“I provide a complimentary 1 question mini-reading for you to try me out, reach out today and ask me whatever you like, i’d love to share my gifts with you”

You Can Use ChatGPT to Help You Put Your Bio Together

Once you have completed your list and followed all of the prompts listed above, the only thing left to do is put it all together in a narrative flow. Now that you have your list of details to include, begin the process of writing your professional bio , simply by writing full sentences and linking all of the details together.

With the list of details you want to include and the help of Chat GPT anyone can complete this process. Simply plug in your list of details from the list that you created using the steps we provided above as a template and then ask Chat GPT “to use these details and write you an excellent professional bio.” Chat GPT will take the details and create the bio for you, composing it using your information so that it is genuinely reflective of you and is professionally composed. Like what Chat GPT puts together but would prefer it written in a specific tone, ask Chat GPT to rewrite it in “a casual tone”, “a serious tone” or “an intense tone”. Chat GPT will re-spin your bio with this prompt to create a variety of options. Once you have one you like, simply polish it up, add any additional details that come to mind, and Voila! Finally the professional bio you have always wanted to represent you and your Metaphysical business in a variety of places.

What Is THE BEST Way To Compose A Professional Bio or “About Me” As A Spiritual Practitioner

Above we have shared a foolproof way to get the bio to represent your business that you have always desired, but you may still have a few questions on your mind such as; should I write in the first, second, or third person. How long should my professional bio be? Should I include a bullet point list , more like a resume? How detailed should I be about my specific abilities and the work that I do.

These questions are difficult to answer concrete because they really are preference based.
However we will share some considerations below so you can make informed decisions on what is best to represent you.

How Long Should Your Professional Bio Be?

A good length for a professional bio depends on its intended use, but here are some general guidelines:

  • Short Bio (50–100 words): This version is ideal for social media profiles, business directories, and introductions in speaking engagements. It should focus on key points—your role, experience, and what you offer—without going into much detail.
    "Jane Doe is a certified intuitive healer with over 10 years of experience helping clients connect with their inner wisdom. She specialises in energy work, emotional healing, and spiritual guidance. Jane's approach blends ancient wisdom with modern techniques, offering personalised support to help her clients thrive."
  • Medium Bio (100–250 words): This length is great for an “About” page on your website, guest blog posts, or community listings like the PsyChicks Collective directory. It provides enough room to share your background, skills, and personality, while still remaining concise.
    "Jane Doe is a certified intuitive healer who has been practicing for over a decade. She combines ancient healing techniques with modern practices to help clients unlock emotional blocks, connect with their inner wisdom, and heal on a deep level. Through her work, Jane has empowered hundreds of people to achieve greater clarity and balance in their lives. She specialises in energy work, chakra balancing, and spiritual guidance, creating a supportive and compassionate environment for personal transformation. Outside of her practice, Jane teaches workshops and writes on topics related to emotional healing and spirituality."
  • Long Bio (250–500 words): Use this length for more detailed profiles on your website, media kits, or for conference speaking engagements. A long bio allows you to dive deeper into your experience, professional journey, and personal story, along with specific services, achievements, or client success stories.
    "Jane Doe is a certified intuitive healer and spiritual mentor with over 10 years of experience guiding clients through transformative healing journeys. Her practice focuses on energy work, chakra balancing, and emotional release, helping individuals clear emotional blocks, connect with their inner wisdom, and realign with their highest selves.
    Jane’s journey into healing began after overcoming her own personal struggles, which inspired her to train in various modalities, including Reiki, crystal healing, and emotional freedom techniques. Her unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern methodologies provides personalised healing experiences that cater to each client’s needs.
    In addition to her one-on-one sessions, Jane offers group workshops, online courses, and retreats aimed at deepening spiritual connection and promoting emotional healing. Her work has been featured in several wellness publications, and she is a sought-after speaker at metaphysical events. Through her compassionate approach, Jane helps her clients transform their lives, fostering lasting change and inner peace."

In most cases, a medium-length bio (around 150-200 words) works well , giving enough detail to engage readers while keeping it concise. If you're unsure, start with a medium bio, and you can always expand or condense it depending on the platform or context.

Best Practices for Writing A Professional Bio for A Metaphysical Business Operator


  • Do begin your bio with your professional title and what you do. Make it clear from the start who you are and what service you offer.Example: "I am a certified intuitive healer and spiritual guide with over a decade of experience in emotional healing."
  • Do mention your years of experience or key background information to establish credibility. Example: "I specialize in energy work, chakra balancing, and emotional release, helping clients clear blocks and reconnect with their inner wisdom."
  • Do mention your years of experience or key background information to establish credibility. Example: "With over 10 years of practice, I have guided hundreds of clients on their journey to emotional and spiritual well-being." 
  • Do include any relevant certifications, licenses, or special training to build trust.Example: "I hold certifications in Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)."
  • Do explain what sets you apart from others in your field—whether it’s a specific method or philosophy you follow.Example: "My approach blends ancient healing techniques with modern methodologies, offering personalized support to meet each client’s unique needs."
  • Do mention how your services positively affect your clients. Focus on the benefits and transformations they experience.Example: "I help clients release emotional blocks, achieve greater clarity, and align with their higher selves."
  • Do let your personality and authenticity shine through. Be genuine about your skills and journey to connect with your audience.Example: "After overcoming my own struggles, I dedicated my life to helping others find healing and peace."
  • Do keep in mind who will be reading your bio and tailor your language and tone to resonate with that audience.Example: "I work with individuals who seek a deeper spiritual connection and emotional healing in their lives."
  • Do wrap up by letting readers know how they can engage with you—whether it’s booking a session, joining a course, or attending a workshop.Example: "I offer one-on-one healing sessions, group workshops, and online courses to support your emotional and spiritual growth."
  • Do keep your bio clear and to the point. A medium-length bio should be detailed but not overwhelming (around 100-250 words).Example: "Through my compassionate approach, I guide clients to release emotional barriers and step into their full potential, empowering them on their journey to self-discovery and healing."





  • Don’t start your bio with unclear or generic statements. Avoid making people guess what you do.Example to avoid: "I help people improve their lives."
  • Don’t forget to mention your key areas of expertise. Being too general can make it harder for potential clients to see how you can help them.Example to avoid: "I work in wellness."
  • Don’t overstate your experience or qualifications. Be honest about your background to build trust.Example to avoid: "I’ve worked with thousands of clients (if that’s not true)."
  • Don’t skip important qualifications or certifications. This helps establish credibility.Example to avoid: "I provide healing services" without specifying any relevant credentials.
  • Don’t write a bio that could apply to anyone in your field. Highlight what makes your approach unique to differentiate yourself.Example to avoid: "I use different healing methods to help people feel better."
  • Don’t make the entire bio about you. Focus on how your services benefit clients and the results they can expect.Example to avoid: "I have all these skills and qualifications" without showing how it helps clients.
  • Don’t use overly technical language or jargon that your audience might not understand. Keep your language accessible and relatable.Example to avoid: "I specialize in energetic harmonization via quantum alignment."
  • Don’t make your bio too long or full of irrelevant details. Keep it concise and avoid rambling. Example to avoid: "I started this journey 20 years ago after a string of unrelated jobs, including working as a chef and a travel agent."
  • Don’t leave your bio without directing readers on how to engage with you. Not providing next steps can make potential clients lose interest. Example to avoid: "This is what I do" without mentioning how to book or work with you.

How To Create A Great Bio That Will Help You Stand Out In The PsyChicks Collective

A key feature of the PsyChicks Collective membership is the directory listing, which includes your professional bio. This bio plays a crucial role in attracting new customers, so it’s important to approach it thoughtfully. We've provided an extensive guide on composing an effective bio to ensure our collective members can make a strong first impression and attract clients who are genuinely excited about their unique offerings. By applying the advice above, you can craft a compelling bio that not only draws in potential leads but also helps grow your Metaphysical business.

How A Great Profile Picture Can Help You Stand Out Inside The PsyChicks Collective

One key feature of the PsyChicks Collective is your listing in our directory, which includes a professional profile picture. This image is an essential part of your listing, as it represents you throughout the PsyChicks Collective website. When visitors browse the directory, they’re looking to connect with a metaphysical practitioner who resonates with them—someone they feel drawn to hire and work with. Your profile picture is often the first impression potential clients will have, so it’s important to choose one that reflects who you are and how you want to show up. Consider it carefully, as it plays a vital role in attracting the right clients to your practice.

The minimum requirement for a profile picture on the PsyChicks Collective directory is that it genuinely represents you and clearly shows your face. However, taking a bit of extra time to refine your profile picture can pay off in the long run, helping you attract more clients by making your image more inviting and appealing.

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Your Metaphysical Business in Front of An Audience of 30K Spiritually Curious Members

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