Stephanne Cox | Stephanne Cox Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Offering: Energy Healing, Group Program Or Course
Stephanne Cox is a Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Mentor and Psychic Medium. Let’s start with the basics. She was born and raised in Butte, MT. Graduated from Butte High School in 1997. Then graduated from Montana Tech with an associates in Information Technology in May of 2002. Afterwards, she began working for the local newspaper. She was doing what the world expected of her and was completely unhappy. She knew life had to change but wasn’t sure what that looked like. In December of 2010, the universe decided to help Stephanne understand the possibilities with an afterlife experience. This experience COMPLETELY changed the understanding she had about life. It prompted her to explore, learn and understand on many new levels. Stephanne began her spiritual education becoming certified as a Reiki I and II practitioner in July of 2016. Then in November of 2016, began seeing and hearing spirit. She started practicing medium readings in December of 2016 with friends and then medium readings for others in March of 2017. In August of 2017 she became a Certified Reiki Master Teacher. Soon, she realized that she was also psychic and began helping others with this skill as well. In May of 2020 Stephanne became a Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach. Then, in May of 2021 she became a Certified ThetaHealing® Instructor. Everything advanced way beyond what she ever thought possible. Stephanne was on a journey to embrace who she was as a spiritual being having a human experience in every aspect. In May of 2022, Stephanne had a medical diagnosis that again helped her expand her spiritual education. The universe was asking her to go deeper into her inner-healing where before she had only scratched the surface. Diving deeper helped Stephanne to REALLY connect with the true essence of who she was so that she could go beyond her emotions, ego and human definition. Stephanne has learned so much over the years. Now, she understands that her life purpose is to serve, coach, mentor and teach others that they can connect with the true essence of who they are to live more meaningful lives. Leading you out of the dark and into the light. Finding the balance and peace within.
CREDENTIALS • Reiki I and Reiki II Certification July 2016 • ART and Master Reiki Certification August 2017 • ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Practitioner July 2018 • ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Practitioner August 2018 • ThetaHealing® Digging Deeper Practitioner September 2018 • ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner November 2018 • ThetaHealing® Game of Life Practitioner November 2019 • ThetaHealing® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight January 2020 • ThetaHealing® You and Creator February 2020 • Certified HuMethod® Spiritual Life Coach May 2020 • Under the Crystals Remote Viewing of the Soul May 2020 • ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Instructor Certification May 2021 • ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Instructor Certification May 2021