Monika Huppertz | Whole Heart Energy

0-$100 1:1 energy healing intuitive advice muscle testing pendulum

Offering: Intuitive, Channeler, Healer, Energy Worker,
Lightworker, Intuitive Coaching offering: intuitive healing, Akashic Records, Quantum Healing Transmissions for people and pets

Monika Dena Huppertz of Whole Heart Energy: intuitive coach, energy healer, lightworker, and founder of Whole Heart Energy. 25 years of teaching has afforded Monika the insights to truly understand from where her clients’ pains, insecurities and limited thinking came. She has the unique ability to pinpoint the perceptions and problems and transform them into winning attitudes, empowering beliefs, and wholesome thinking. Monika connects with the Divine, her Divine Supportive team, and your Higher Self and guides to get the most truthful information and guidance for your needs. Coupled with her innate intuitive gifts and learning of many healing modalities, Monika is a conduit to healing. Her first book was a channeled piece. Monika’s clients have greatly benefited from her unique gifts and talents and appreciate the loving support they receive.

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