Logan Hart | The Wizard Factory
Offering: Group program or course, Spiritual Consultations & Courses, Runes
Logan Hart is a spiritual student and teacher, philosopher, musician, voice actor, and entrepreneur living near Dallas, TX. Logan is an anarchist, animist, pagan, and light occultist. His spiritual journey has brought him to work and study in the areas of natural law, metaphysics, psychology, healing, shamanism, paganism, and much more. His mission is to help humanity reclaim our individual & collective sovereignty, and the rejection and dismantlement of all physical, mental, and spiritual systems of slavery. This can only be achieved by gaining a deep understanding of ourselves, True Universal Principles and the Laws of Nature. Logan is the creator of The Wizard Factory, a spiritual philosophy platform featuring a video podcast & regular video content. To see more of Logan's frequent output, subscribe to The WF Youtube Channel.