Latasha Ledbetter | A Nuu ViiBe

0-$100 1:1 reiki energy healing

Offering: Reiki Healing, Spiritual Services, Tarot Readings, Spiritual Curios, Intuitive Advice

Throughout my life, others have often complemented me on my ability to bring a sense of calm and comfort, describing it as a healing power. Whether through the tone of my voice or the words I share, people consistently express feeling better after spending time with me.

The year 2020 marked a significant turning point when I lost my father to COVID-19. In a span of just two years, I also said goodbye to my mother and faced other personal challenges. Despite these hardships, I discovered a new spiritual path that not only helped me understand myself but also deepened my connection with the divine, however, one chooses to define it.

Recognizing a clear purpose, I embraced the role of a healer, committed to assisting others on their unique journeys. My approach is inclusive, transcending religious or belief boundaries, and welcoming all who seek guidance. This realization led me to explore Reiki, and from my first session, I knew this was my calling.

This healing path has not only transformed my way of life but inspired me to share these experiences with the world. My mission is to help others discover 'A Nu ViiBe,' one person at a time, by offering support and healing on their individual paths.

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