Johanna | Orange Cat Tarot

0-$100 1:1 free psychic readings intuitive advice oracle reading tarot reading

Offering: Tarot & Oracle Cards

I’m a third generation diviner. I’ve been a professional reader for over 20 years. I use Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand cards to give you answers and clarity, connect with spirit, and empower you. I read Tarot, Lenormand and Oracle cards, offer channeled messages and I’m mediumship training for 2 years, which lately has been coming through in readings though I don’t yet offer those services on my sales page as a separate service, yet. I can do predictive readings, connect with spirit guides and ancestors, love readings, find lost things, use cards to connect with passed on loved ones-though I don’t need the cards to do that much these days. I used to work phone lines so I feel like I’ve even done all kinds of possible readings. I’ve even read for pets. I help my personal clients who have come out of trauma rediscover their intuition, tell the difference between intuition and imagination and to not be afraid of it and lean to communicate with their spirit guides. I also be a passion for dream interpretation. Before I begin the reading, I will meditate and tap into the seekers energy and I’ll write down what I get before I start to record. Once I record, I explain what I got in the meditation, I will then move onto the questions the seeker asked and I usually start with oracle cards, move on to tarot and end with Lenormand. If anything comes through for mediumship, I will usually take this time to give them what I’m getting. But sometimes it comes before I pull cards. Channeled messages are peppered throughout the reading of they are coming through. I am always honest with what I get but I also try to end all reasons on a positive note.

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