Alecia Iwanchuk | Intentions Yoga

0-$100 1:1 course honing your gifts intuitive advice membership yoga

Offering: Somatic yoga therapy, energy healing, yoga classes (group and one on one), online courses, spiritual retreats, Energy Healing, Crystals

I am Alecia, a yoga teacher, light worker, and somatic experiencing practitioner in training. I help empathic people find empowerment through connection to their body’s innate wisdom. My expertise embraces the connection between mind, body, and spirit. I offer holistic guidance focusing on personal empowerment. If you are an empath looking to empower yourself to step into your highest timeline, embody a healthier lifestyle, or are seeking profound soulful evolution, I am here to help you realize your next best step. ​Let’s bring your greatest intentions to life! I created Intentions Yoga to empower soul seeking empaths to: Connect deeply within through movement & mindfulness Establish daily routines for spiritual growth & soulful evolution Become aware of limiting patterns & stories holding you back from setting your life's greatest intentions. ​ In Kundalini Yoga we start each practice with the Adi Mantra: ​Om Namo Guru Dev Namo "I Bow to the Divine Wisdom Within" Honouring that each one of us has a unique spark of pure divine potential within. It is my Intention to help you connect to your inner wisdom.

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