Heather Zimmerman | Connect the Dots Coaches

Offerings: My company offers various programs, tools, resources, and other services that help newly awakened souls begin to traverse through the spiritual awakening process.
Hello! My name is Heather. My spiritual journey began a very long time ago. I just didn't know it yet. I lived in a haunted house when I was a teenager, which, an atheist, made me question everything. I tried to find religion, but unfortunately, none of them resonated with me and what I believed at my core. I am a natural empath, which I did not understand growing up, making it very difficult to align with my true self and with the universe. I was so out of tune with who I was and was heading down a very steep decline. I did not like who I was becoming and began to do some soul searching to determine who I wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life. It was a very long and difficult journey to get to where I am now. I knew that I was here for a reason, I just didn't know what that reason could be. I also knew that I would change the world someday, as cliche as that sounds, I meant it. In my 30's, I began "ghost hunting" and genealogy, which surprisingly put me onto the path of finding my spirituality as I learned how to use dowsing rods to find unmarked graves. I began researching energy, the chakra system, auras, and the universal consciousness. This led me to working on my own psychic gifts, reading tarot cards, and learning how to communicate with spirit through synchronicities, automatic writing, and scrying. I began meditating and practicing gratitude, and my purpose started to become clear. I continue to work on my spiritual practices daily, living mindfully, expressing gratitude, keeping a balanced chakra system, and energy reading. Through shadow work, self-love, acceptance, and living a healthy, natural lifestyle, I began receiving the things that I knew I deserved and truly wanted in life. I have found my soul purpose in life, and that is to help as many people as I can while they traverse their own spiritual awakening journeys, to reach the divine universe, discover who they truly are, and to manifest the life that they desire!