Adrienne Amari | Adrienne Amari

0-$100 1:1 coaching courses free psychic readings tarot readings

Offering: Tarot readings, tarot workshops, and transformational coaching. I focus on how tarot can help us understand ourselves and the situations that we're in more so than things like predicting the future.

Hi, I’m Adrienne Amari, a certified tarot reader, teacher, and transformational coach. People come for tarot readings because they’re looking for answers – and I get it. That’s originally why I got into tarot. But more than just answers, the tarot asks us questions, points to patterns, and helps us see how we can become who we want to actually be. Combining transformational coaching with the cards? Well, that's just icing on the cake. I've struggled with negative talk, self-limiting beliefs, lack of confidence and overwhelming thoughts for a big portion of my life - but tarot really helped me see through a lot of that. It helped me break patterns, understand myself better (even parts I maybe didn't want to), and see options I didn't even know where there. If the cards can do that for me, they can for you, too. If you’re hoping to have your future laid out in a series of predictions, I’m probably not the right reader for you. While I believe tarot cards can give you an idea of where you’re heading, I also believe that the future is ours to create. But if you're looking to understand yourself or the world around you on a deeper level, need help overcoming obstacles, making decisions, or seeing ways forward, seek motivation, validation, want to connect to your own inner wisdom, or get those creative juices flowing, that’s something I can definitely help you with. A tarot session with me is a safe space - it's like chatting with a friend. I’m not here to judge or reprimand you. I’m here to interpret the cards, hold space, and help you find the answers you seek – with a laugh or two along the way. Wanting to learn more about how to read tarot cards? I offer tarot classes and mentorship, too. Whether you read for yourself or want to eventually read for others, tarot is a powerful tool that is worth exploring. And I promise, no question is stupid or not worth asking. I'd love for you to join me and see what the cards have to say.

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